The other day, Eschaton pointed to an article by
aimai (of No More Mr. Nice Guy blog) which uses the example of tipping in restaurants to explain the Republican / conservative mind,
The Punishers Want To Run The Country or We Are All Tipped Waitstaff Now. Just in case you missed it, the article was -- is
inspired by the correct phrase here? Perhaps
reaction to is better, but that phrase fails to catch the brilliance of its creation -- the screed of Fox Business Network --
asshole is definitely the correct word here, though his proper title is
economic journalist, an abuse of the English language if ever there was one -- Stuart Varney, who was asked about federal government employees, and just let his inner ghoul speak: "
I want to punish these people." (Honest to God, Varney said that, live, on TV; you really should watch it to see for yourself the truly reptilian psychopath lurking in Varney's bleak soul. No wonder Fox news viewers are exhibiting pathologies of cumulative brain damage.)
To give you the brief synopsis, though I urge you to go read the entire article, there is an owner of a very nice, upscale restaurant who he felt that" tipping overvalued the work the waiter was doing and
undervalued the work the back of the house staff did," so he eliminated tipping. To his surprise and amazement, he found that there were certain
personality types customers who became infuriated that they could no longer tip, because "they
actively enjoyed imagining using the threat of the withheld tip to
punish bad service."
Now, if you have read Thorstein Veblen's
The Theory of the Leisure Class, you will immediately recognize that what this unsuspecting restauranteur had run up against was a classic example of "the predatory temperament... which have to do with ownership... and the subsidiary functions concerned with acquisition and accumulation" (which Veblen discusses in
Chapter Nine - The Conservation of Archaic Traits. But since most people have not read Veblen, perhaps
aimai's explanation is better suited for today:
The Republican Party at this point in time is entirely made up of Punishers
who think they are entitled to treat the government--and especially the
government of Barack Obama--as waiters who need to be shown their
place. This should surprise no one. At heart the entire Republican
Party is made up of winners and losers and they are united in just one
thing: they think that money is the only way to tell who is who. If you
have money, you use that to distinguish yourself from the losers and to
demonstrate your superiority by punishing them further. If you are a
loser--a worker, for example, or have no health insurance (say) your job
as a Republican is to take your status as a given, accept it, and turn
around and get your jollies kicking someone else farther down the line.